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8.7.2. Using Rules to Control Resource Defaults

Rules can be used for resource and operation defaults. The following example illustrates how to set a different resource-stickiness value during and outside work hours. This allows resources to automatically move back to their most preferred hosts, but at a time that (in theory) does not interfere with business activities.

Example 8.16. Change resource-stickiness during working hours

   <meta_attributes id="core-hours" score="2">
      <rule id="core-hour-rule" score="0">
        <date_expression id="nine-to-five-Mon-to-Fri" operation="date_spec">
          <date_spec id="nine-to-five-Mon-to-Fri-spec" hours="9-16" weekdays="1-5"/>
      <nvpair id="core-stickiness" name="resource-stickiness" value="INFINITY"/>
   <meta_attributes id="after-hours" score="1" >
      <nvpair id="after-stickiness" name="resource-stickiness" value="0"/>
Rules may be used similarly in instance_attributes or utilization blocks.
Any single block may directly contain only a single rule, but that rule may itself contain any number of rules.
rsc_expression and op_expression blocks may additionally be used to set defaults on either a single resource or across an entire class of resources with a single rule. rsc_expression may be used to select resource agents within both rsc_defaults and op_defaults, while op_expression may only be used within op_defaults. If multiple rules succeed for a given resource agent, the last one specified will be the one that takes effect. As with any other rule, boolean operations may be used to make more complicated expressions.

Example 8.17. Set all IPaddr2 resources to stopped

    <meta_attributes id="op-target-role">
        <rule id="op-target-role-rule" score="INFINITY">
            <rsc_expression id="op-target-role-expr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat"
        <nvpair id="op-target-role-nvpair" name="target-role" value="Stopped"/>

Example 8.18. Set all monitor action timeouts to 7 seconds

    <meta_attributes id="op-monitor-defaults">
        <rule id="op-monitor-default-rule" score="INFINITY">
            <op_expression id="op-monitor-default-expr" name="monitor"/>
        <nvpair id="op-monitor-timeout" name="timeout" value="7s"/>

Example 8.19. Set the monitor action timeout on all IPaddr2 resources with a given monitor interval to 8 seconds

    <meta_attributes id="op-monitor-and">
        <rule id="op-monitor-and-rule" score="INFINITY">
            <rsc_expression id="op-monitor-and-rsc-expr" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat"
            <op_expression id="op-monitor-and-op-expr" name="monitor" interval="10s"/>
        <nvpair id="op-monitor-and-timeout" name="timeout" value="8s"/>